Anthropologie Price: $48
Designer on a Budget Price: $12
Savings: $36
Project Time: 1-2 hours
1. CUT. Use the the 2nd tee and a pencil to mark out the cut lines as seen below. Cutting the shirt this way will give you a nice long strip to make the collar
The strip is 6'' wide with a 3'' angle rise, continue the lines around the back of the shirt. You are cutting one large 'spiral' of fabric. It should look like this when your done.

1a. GATHER I omitted the center gathering because I don't want to attract attention to that area on me :). But if it is something you like simply use your sewing machine to make a center gathering stitch. Slightly bunching the fabric as you go.
2. TWIST. You will end up with some seams in the strip from the side streams of the shirt. Find a seam near the center and pin it about 4'' below the V on the front of the shirt. Twist the two tails moderately tight; then twist the tails around each other. There are 3 center twists. Pin the tails to hold in place. Continue to wist and pin the tails around the neck of the shirt until they meet at the center of the back. Pin and trim off remaining tails.

3. STITCH. Using red thread separate the folds of of the twist to hide your stitching. Work your way up the twist tacking down the fabric. My stitches were connected underneath and about .5'' -1'' apart. I used a generous amount of stitches because I wanted to make sure it was held down tightly. Remember: you can keep working the twist as you sew.

4. CLOSURE. When you reach the back of the neck line tuck the edges under and stitch them down.

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